Piston or rod seal Why an ORing Works As Illustration 31 shows, a properly designed sealing system incorporates some degree of initial Oring compression At atmospheric pressure, only the resiliency of the compressed Oring provides the seal However, as system pressure activates the seal, the Oring is forced to the low pressure side ofIf assembly breakage is incurred, use a compound having higher elongation or use a twopiece piston Design Table 42 Gland Dimensions for Industrial ORing Static Seals, 1035 Bar (1500 psi) Max Gland Dimensions for Industrial ORing Static Seals, 1035 Bar (1500 psi) Max† A A1 B B1 C D G† ORingORing Groove design plays an important part in how an oring seals Learn More > Contact World Class;
O ring piston seal design
O ring piston seal design-Gland Design 4 11 Major Classifications All Oring seal applications are categorized in terms of relative motion In situations involving little or no motion relative to the seal, the Oring application is STATIC In situations involving reciprocating, rotating, or oscillating motion relative to the seal, the Oring application is DYNAMICRings Ring Rings Radius Max ORing Gland Design For Static Seals Note Table A contains general sealing guidelines More specific information is available throughout this guide †Note It is recommended that an Oring with tighter CS tolerance (±002) be requested One general guideline for good Oring application and design is to

Reciprocating seals are a dynamic version of either a male radial or female radial Oring design In a reciprocating seal, there is relative reciprocating motion (along the shaft axis) between the inner and outer elements This motion tends to slide or roll the Oring, or sealing surface of the Oring, back and forth with the reciprocal motion12 Oring Gland Design The following pages contain basic Oring gland design information Please contact the local ERIKS representative if an application does not clearly fall into these design parameters Static Applications There are five types of static Oring applications • Flange seal • Radial seal • Dovetail seal • Boss sealIf you are designing a face seal, select the ORing with an inside diameter which will position the ORing on the side of the groove opposite the pressure Click here for more information on face seal groove design Note the ORing inside diameter for the next step Calculate the Seal Stretch Using Equation 1, calculate the installed seal stretch
Seal & Design is a worldclass seal & gasket manufacturer and a name you can trust for gasket, seal and oring solutions Technical sealing has been defined by DIN Standards as follows • Static Seal – The sealing action created between two mating surfaces with no leakage of liquid or minimal diffusion of gasORing Handbook Parker Hannifin ORing Diision Europe ORing Handbook Parker Hannifin ORing Diision Europe Preamble Sealing technology by ParkerPrädifa The Engineered Materials Group of the Parker Hannifin Corporation is the worldwide leader in the field of designing, developing and manufacturing sealing systems, vibration dampers, EMIFluid Power Seals are special PTFE seals designed for use as either piston or rod seals and are activated by an elastomer Oring Lip Seals are for use in rotary applications up to 150 psi in corrosive and abrasive environments Low friction, wide temperature range Custom designed PTFE seals for unique applications
Machining Specifications ORing Design Guide ORing Gland Types Orings are primarily used to prevent the loss of a fluid or gas However, Orings can be used as dust seals, drive belts or on rotating shafts Most Oring seals can be classified into one of the three arrangements shown below ORing CrossSectionPreliminary Oring Design Considerations An oring is a simple and versatile ring shaped packing or sealing device Having a circular cross section that functions as a seal, in both static and dynamic applications, by being compressed between the mating surfaces comprising the walls of the gland, in which it is installedNyd Seals Double Lip UCup;

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